Saturday, July 10, 2004


Leadership is not friendship. Leadership is showing people how to do more than they would or could on their own. It is showing them how to stretch and increase their strengths and reduce and bypass their weaknesses.

Leadership is not making people feel good all the time. People like to be pushed to improve themselves. A good leader helps people get out of their boxes and grow. This often takes a good kick in the butt. You only have to look at great sports coaches to see what properly placed disappointment and anger can do.

A good leader knows when it is time to celebrate. For a group to develop real heart and real stick-to-it-ness when the pressure is on there needs to be celebration of victories. People must know the feeling joy and experience winning in order to keep the passion when times are hard.

Leadership is providing a framework where people with different talents can come together to create more than they would alone. Napoleon Hill's mastermind is a proven concept. Multiple minds will create much more effective solutions than one. Shared responsibility for implementation allows the most effective person to perform each task.

Pushing, rewarding, and finding the right mix of talent are the true talents of a leader.

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