Friday, July 02, 2004

Find Your Magic Bus

Everyone wants a magic bus. A magic bus is a wonderful vehicle where the riders are constantly happy. A magic bus may be a little worn and even tired but it is loved by all. Riders always return to the magic bus and when they do they bring more of their friends.

Is your business a Magic Bus?

Probably not. Magic Buses can exist in any industry but they always have certain traits in common.

Magic Busses have personality
Systemization has been allowed to take the personality out of people and businesses. People, that means your customers are looking for personality. They want to feel they know you. They want to get a piece of you when they do business with you. The best way to give it to them is to provide personality. Be different. Big hair. In your face copywriting. Quirky decorating. There are many ways to create and maintain personality. Seek it out and find it, and once you find it, keep it no matter how much you grow.

Magic Busses celebrate their riders

Being on the bus is about the experience. The experience is enhanced by the celebration of the riders or customers. On a magic bus riders feel encouraged to be themselves. Customers are encouraged to communicate with one another to create a spirit of unity and a zone of protection allowing further celebration and further self definition.

While there are a few examples of magic busses that become hugely mass market most are niche players and all started that way. One of the keys to celebrating customers is to allow them to be unique. The more this common uniqueness comes out the stronger the loyalty and the better the bus.

Magic Busses are not all things to all people.

The opposite side of providing a specific experience is that you will not satisfy all people. Get over it. As P. T. Barnum said, "You can't please everyone all the time."

Magic Busses provide consistency

While always maintaining and celebrating the quirky feel that makes you unique you must develop and maintain systems to provide a consistent experience. Humans are creatures of habit and you like everyone else want to know what to expect.

Magic Busses are highly profitable

A Magic Bus put in the hands of an organized businessperson will be highly profitable. Combine a unique market niche with a system that produces consistent experiences and results and you have built the better mousetrap.

Build a Magic Bus

When building your business look at how you can build a Magic Bus. It can be done. When you start thinking about your business, or your business plan think about how to make it into a magic bus. A little magic works well for all of us.

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