Saturday, June 26, 2004

Bury the Past

Bury your past. Your past is draped over you like the memories of the dead. The biggest difference is we generally remember the good about the dead and we generally remember the unfortunate about our past.

These memories send messages, you can't do it, it will not work, you tried it before remember.

These messages and memories are false. Today is a new day. Today your attempts will succeed. Today you can do it, it will work. And if it doesn't, try again tomorrow with an open heart and open head.

In the Jewish religion it is customary for the family of the deceased to shovel the dirt on the coffin up to the corners of the box. That and many other customs such as sitting Shiva where family and friends stay around for a week after the death are to help people begin to recover.

You need to develop rituals to bury your past whenever it creeps up again. These may be repeating positive words, talking a walk, reading the bible or other meaningful book.

We are all here to succeed and win. Don't let your past get in the way of succeeding in the future.

You deserve to win. You will win once your thoughts remain on the good you can accomplish today.

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